Monday, November 7, 2011

The Binding of Issac

The Binding of Issac is a twin sticks shooter that takes place in procedurally generated Zelda-esque dungeons. Issac draws heavily on the Nintendo classic for inspiration, taking enemies, traps, locks mechanisms, bomb-able walls, and even some of the bosses seem very familiar. However, nothing about the game can be considered anything but unique. Any familiar shadow you may notice is just a shadow. Everything borrowed has been completely overhauled with the Team Meat Aesthetic.

The game play is carefully tuned to challenge and excite. The ability to shoot is limited to the cardinal directions, but can be angled by moving Issac while you shoot. This forces Issac to do lots of fancy strafing and gets him in the enemies line of fire. The rogue-like game play also has you carefully weighing your options and managing resources. All in all, the game play can get very hectic and tense, and carries a certain dramatic weight.

Very little is done in the way of traditional storytelling. A short cut scene at the beginning, and 5 second intermission between each level, and a short cut scene once you win. However, there is a story being told through the game play if you pay attention. Every power up changes Issac's appearance and by the end of the game he is totally unrecognizable, giving you an idea of how far he has come. And I mentioned earlier that the game play carries a dramatic weight that will have you on the edge of your seat.

The game is designed to be started and finished in about a half hour. But with unlockable characters and bosses, as well as a dozens of power ups to collect, this game will have something for you to enjoy long after you can reliably make it from start to finish.

My only complaint is they don't have game pad support for a twin sticks shooter. What's that about?

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